Why visibility into your company’s supplier network is crucial to establishing secure supply chains.
The coming year will certainly continue to challenge suppliers and companies seeking to build resilient supply chains. In 2022, we witnessed a surge in geopolitical disruption, labor strikes, Covid lockdowns, and supply shortages. These factors will continue to pose a challenge for companies, but what lies ahead for 2023? This article explores some of the key areas that organizations need to consider moving forwards to build a strong and secure supply chain.
Effective cyber security is key to supply chain security
The most recent figures from our database show that cyberattacks were up 90 percent in the first half of 2022 compared to the same period in 2021. And unfortunately this trend shows no signs of slowing. Cyber threats typically emerge in the supply chain where there are gaps in companies monitoring their partners and vendors. A company often limits its cybersecurity strategy only to immediate vendors and suppliers, potentially exposing itself to cyberattacks deeper in its supply chain.