On-Demand Webinar:
Planning, Preparedness and Proactive Actions Updates for Coronavirus
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Learn how proactively plan and protect your supply chain for the coronavirus and to avoid potential risk.
Specifically, in this webinar, you will learn:
- About the coronavirus and its potential
- How this could play out and its impact on supply chain
- What are the challenges businesses will face in coming days?
- How organizations can plan and the best practices to avoid disruptions
- How organizations can plan and the best practices to avoid disruptions
- Recommendations based on data and learnings from similar past events including SARS
- How Resilinc is helping its customers to manage their supply?
Watch out this webinar to anticipate the possible scenarios, their outcomes and to get insights from Resilinc study and actionable practices that can be put in place.
In this webinar we'll discuss how Resilinc is helping clients better prepare for coronavirus effect and provide real-world examples and tools you can use right away.

Bindiya Vakil
CEO & Founder of Resilinc